Asiatic Frontal Bouquet In Vase

from A$55.00

This Asiatic Lily bouquet is arranged with locally grown blooms in a space conscious front facing design in our cylinder vase. Perfect for office, reception and hospital.

Images are for illustrative purposes only.


This Asiatic Lily bouquet is arranged with locally grown blooms in a space conscious front facing design in our cylinder vase. Perfect for office, reception and hospital.

Images are for illustrative purposes only.

This Asiatic Lily bouquet is arranged with locally grown blooms in a space conscious front facing design in our cylinder vase. Perfect for office, reception and hospital.

Images are for illustrative purposes only.

Don’t forget a vase.

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Would you like to add a little something extra to your order? Once you have selected your flower order, you can also choose a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine or a vase.

Asiatic Lily Bouquet
from A$50.00
Pink Oriental Lily Box
from A$50.00
Dieffenbachia Amy 130mm
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